The Monthly Digest: Changing our narratives around our worth and work


The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life

Join me in 'The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life', a sanctuary for those seeking to embrace their sensitivity and journey towards wholeness. Expect research-based insights and empowering personal stories on embodied healing, Self-leadership, and practical advice on slowing down, living with intention and savouring life. Curious about nurturing your inner landscape? This is for you.

The Monthly Digest

This is a monthly edition of Slow, Savour, Serve where I share the top highlights of the previous month's newsletters and a curated list of what sparked me, how I am experimenting with play+rest and causes/ businesses/ people whose work I support or admire.

Highlights from the past month

Quotes and key insights/ practices shared in previous issues of Slow, Savour, Serve

"Just because the world has been hard on you, does not mean you should be hard (or harder) on yourself. Hardening our hearts, and toughening up can hide our wounds but they do not heal them. And when we hide what has not been healed, we miss out on the joy of living from our wholeness, and instead settle for a divided life."

-An excerpt from my blogpost, 'The path to embodying our hidden wholeness'

Consider revisiting this body-wise practice to root into your worth and dignity, and embody a felt sense of 'enough'.

My Spark List

A list of all the things I felt inspired by and sparked my sense of wonder

Recently, I have been really interested and invested in decolonising work, and what it means to decolonise our minds, bodies and spirits and free ourselves from the forces of colonisation that have shaped us (all of us to some degree) since even before we were born. There is a lot to unpack on this journey of decolonisation and I am really just starting out and learning from others who have walked this path. Here are a few of the books I have read/ am reading:

  1. Decolonising Therapy: Oppression, Historical Trauma & Politicizing Your Practice by Dr. Jennifer Mullan - I would consider this a MUST-READ for anyone in the mental health/ healing fields, at least to gain a new level of consciousness regarding how the mental health industrial complex has been functioning and might even be causing more harm than good.
  2. Decolonising the Body: Healing, Body-centered Practices for Women of Colour to Reclaim Confidence, Dignity and Self-Worth by Kelsey Blackwell - A lot of what Kelsey shares in her book are deeply resonant of the practices that I aim to embody and teach others, though I never thought of it as decolonising the body until I came across her book. This is an easy and very practical book to dive into. You may also check out this short blogpost she wrote to give you a snippet of what is covered inside the book.

My Playlist*

Ways I have been experimenting and engaging in play & rest over the past month - you're welcome to share your own!

  1. Watching the sunset on a beach during a 3-day staycation at a resort in Dubai - I tried taking photos but photos never does the sunsets here any justice.
  2. During our staycation, we also made no plans to do anything, and it felt so freeing to have a day or two where we could simply decide what we wanted to do in the moment instead of always having everything planned out.
  3. Taking really long naps during the days when my body really needs it
  4. Binge-watching Season 2 of Gyeongseong Creature on Netflix

*A little side note on why I pride myself on sharing this list: All of us to some degree have been conditioned to equate our worth to our accomplishments, our accomplishments to our level of productivity, and our productivity to how much we work.

This playlist is meant to subvert this notion that our worth is derived from our work and support us in celebrating our 'beingness' and in embracing the notion that we are worthy even as we play & rest.

Instead of allowing ourselves to play/ rest only after completing our work, this list is meant to remind you that our best work/ service to the world flows from our play and our rest. So if you haven't been playing or resting as much as you need or want to this month, this is your little permission slip to do so (though you never needed my or anyone else's permission in the first place).

In solidarity with

Who or what I am consciously aligning with, rooting for and supporting

(Note: These are not affiliate links, and I do not profit from you clicking and exploring these links in any way.)


Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

is a UK-based charity that works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees.

They provide immediate medical aid to those in great need, while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of the Palestinian healthcare system.

If you've been reading or watching the news (hopefully through many different sources other than just mainstream news), then you'd probably already be well aware of the increasing crisis and emergency situation in Palestine, Lebanon and other countries involved in the region.

Even if you choose not to donate to this particular charity, I hope you will consider donating or volunteering your efforts in whatever capacity you have available to supporting aid for Palestinians and others in this region who most need it.

Most recently, a friend and I organised a group hike in support of MAP's latest fundraising campaign: Stride for Gaza One Year In. Thus far, we have raised more than £1000 for the charity, and if you feel called to donate, please check out the link here.

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170 Victoria cluster, Damac Hills 2, Madinat Hind 4, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

© 2024 Eliarani Kanak Rajah. All rights reserved.

The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life

Join me in 'The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life', a sanctuary for those seeking to embrace their sensitivity and journey towards wholeness. Expect research-based insights and empowering personal stories on embodied healing, Self-leadership, and practical advice on slowing down, living with intention and savouring life. Curious about nurturing your inner landscape? This is for you.