Root into your worth and dignity, and explore the felt sense of 'enough' in your body through this practice.
You may do this practice seated on a chair or standing up. Take a moment to notice your feet as it connects with the ground below you.
Perhaps you might roll your shoulders back and down as you reach the crown of your head towards the ceiling. As you find more length across your spine, maybe notice your breath.
You're welcome to use your breath to expand across the full length of your body, perhaps taking in a few deep breaths at your own pace.
As you feel into the full length of your body, you might imagine roots growing down from your feet into the earth, and perhaps imagine the roots supporting you to sit/ stand tall in your inherent worth and dignity. Stay here for a few moments, noticing your breath and rooting further into your worth and dignity.
From this place of feeling rooted in your worth, bring to mind all the resources you have available in your life - both externally and internally. Focus on all the things you DO have and allow these resources - both from within and outside of you to fill every cell in your body.
Perhaps you might notice what the felt sense of enough is like in your body.
You're welcome to revel in this bodily sensation of having enough and being enough for as long as you'd like.