💫 Remembering our Wholeness with insights from Astrology


The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life

Join me in 'The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life', a sanctuary for those seeking to embrace their sensitivity and journey towards wholeness. Expect research-based insights and empowering personal stories on embodied healing, Self-leadership, and practical advice on slowing down, living with intention and savouring life. Curious about nurturing your inner landscape? This is for you.

Hey Reader,

You probably did not know this about me but I am a bit of an astrology nut.

When I was young, I used to read the astrology forecasts for my Zodiac sign in Western Astrology (yay, Virgo!) just for the fun of it. Then, as I grew older, I started looking for Indian Vedic Astrologers who could tell me what my sun and moon signs meant for the type of life, career and relationships I would have - again, I mostly did it out of jest and did not fully rely on my Astrological readings to dictate how I should live my life (after all, some answers I have realised can only be found from within and not in our astrological chart though they can serve as useful signposts or to support what we may have intuitively known).

Over the past couple of years, I have been dipping my toes in and out of listening to Tarot readings for my Sun and Moon/Rising signs as well as reading and learning more about living in line with the moon cycles and different seasons based on the 12 zodiac signs of Western Astrology.

The common thread running through my fascination with astrology, tarot, seasonal living and moon cycles is this feeling that I am not alone in this world.

In fact, reading/ listening to astrological readings reminds me that I too am connected to the sun, the moon, the stars and the larger cosmos.

It reminds me what happens on the larger scale cosmically also has a pull and influence over my individual energy, and that not everything is under my control (which I see as a gift). It also helps me to recognise that because not everything is under my control, I can let go of my perfectionism project and take responsibility only for the things I do have control over (which is everything that is within me).

The past few weeks have felt like an emotionally intense period for me as fear after fear kept showing up and would not leave me, contributing to strong feelings of being an impostor, self-doubt and feelings of worthlessness.

So it definitely helped when I was able to learn that the surfacing of these fears with such an intensity was due to an upcoming Lunar Eclipse during the next Full Moon (on 18 Sep) in the sign of Pisces.

What exactly does this mean?

In the words of Leslie Targoda, an expert in all things astrology (and creator of the Astrobrand Method),

"This eclipse season that opens with a Pisces Lunar Eclipse and ends with an Aries Solar Eclipse is asking you to recognize your fears and judgements with compassion (of the Pisces sign)... That integrating your fears is transcendence. And with the Virgo Sun illuminating the Pisces Moon, that your Fears and imperfect pieces are what make you whole."

It is the last line in her message: 'your Fears and imperfect pieces are what make you whole' that really struck a chord with me. And it reminded me of my own reflections on embodying my hidden wholeness that I wrote many moons ago.

If you're keen, read The Path to Embodying Our Hidden Wholeness here.


With your well-being at heart,

Elia Kanak Rajah [she/her]

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Attune to your Body

Pause whatever you are doing and take a moment to drop into your body.

You may wish to do a quick body scan from the crown of your head down to the tips of your toes.

Notice any sensations you might be feeling in any part of your body, if that is available to you.

Notice if it might be possible for you to simply be present with whatever sensations you might be noticing. If you'd like to, you could also name what is showing up - is it anxiety, calm, fear, irritation or something else.

Whatever it may be, see if you are able to welcome them all in with openness and compassion.

Contemplate with Soul

Invite in gentle curiousity as you sit with the following questions and journal/ draw/ creatively express/ move your body and allow the answers to emerge from within.


  1. What fear(s) have been showing up for you lately and how?
  2. What are the underlying needs or desires behind these fears?
  3. What is one thing you can do to embrace your fear(s) without letting them get in the driver's seat of your life?

Interested in a deeper connection?

Let's meet over coffee (online)!


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170 Victoria cluster, Damac Hills 2, Madinat Hind 4, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

© 2024 Eliarani Kanak Rajah. All rights reserved.

The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life

Join me in 'The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life', a sanctuary for those seeking to embrace their sensitivity and journey towards wholeness. Expect research-based insights and empowering personal stories on embodied healing, Self-leadership, and practical advice on slowing down, living with intention and savouring life. Curious about nurturing your inner landscape? This is for you.