[OPEN FOR A FREE GIFT] The Monthly Digest: Insights and Playlists


The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life

Join me in 'The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life', a sanctuary for those seeking to embrace their sensitivity and journey towards wholeness. Expect research-based insights and empowering personal stories on embodied healing, Self-leadership, and practical advice on slowing down, living with intention and savouring life. Curious about nurturing your inner landscape? This is for you.

The Monthly Digest

This is a NEW monthly edition of Slow, Savour, Serve where I share the top highlights of the previous month's newsletters and a curated list of what sparked me, how I am experimenting with play and causes/ businesses/ people whose work I support or admire.


Reader, your time and attention are valuable resources, and I feel privileged to be connecting with you weekly through this newsletter.

I am committed to honouring your time and ensuring that this newsletter is something that truly serves you.

NOT one that floods your Inbox, gathering dust as it remains unopened or worst - sent directly to Trash. (If this is you, feel free to unsubscribe here and start saving your time!)

My intention for starting these weekly shares has always been about YOU - the reader. Instead of a one-way communication, I'd love for us to co-create this newsletter and have a two-way connection.

One way you can do this is by participating in this 3-minute survey where I ask for your feedback and inputs about this newsletter.

Highlights from the past month

Quotes and key insights shared in previous issues of Slow, Savour, Serve

"The problem with work-life balance is that it implies a strict separation between our personal and professional lives, creating an unrealistic expectation that both can be perfectly balanced at all times.​Yet, if you do not feel internally balanced in your bodymindspirit, then you will carry that energy of imbalance with you no matter where you go. Instead, the focus should be on integrating our work and life in a harmonious way that allows for flexibility and personal fulfilment."

Read more here

"Just like my Monsterra plant, our roots often run deeper than we realise. Even when everything above ground seems lost, if our roots are intact, we can survive the harshest conditions. It’s a powerful reminder that no matter how difficult things get, there’s always potential for new growth beneath the surface. (Also, this is why tending to our roots, which include our values, beliefs and connections both within ourselves and those external to us is so important!)"

Read more here

"If you are currently running on auto-pilot, there is nothing to be ashamed of. It happens to all of us, and it is not your fault. In my experience and in observing others, “auto-pilot” mode is one of our best defenses against the sense of urgency, competition, hyper-productivity and drive to succeed (in different forms) that are the manifestations of capitalist systems and cultures.

It allows us to disconnect from our bodies, our emotions, our true sense of purpose, and instead focus solely on outputs and outcomes in order to reach a goal that is either self-imposed or imposed on us by the organisations we work for. It sets up an external impression for others that we are doing all the right things and are managing our workload and life responsibilities well."

Read more here

My Spark List

A list of all the things I felt inspired by and sparked my sense of wonder

  1. This article from Stacey Langford on What is Slow Living?
    • It offers a great overview of the slow living movement and highlights what it is and what it is not. It is valuable to me on my own slow living journey to help me discern how I am practicing slow living in my own life.
  2. The 12 Principles for Prototyping a Feminist Business and Proposals for a Feminine Economy by Sister Founder, Jennifer Armbrust
    • I was so glad to have found this resource online. As a small business owner, I have been searching for new models of engaging in business that is ethical, grounded in social justice and aligned with my values (that are in conflict with the masculine, capitalist economy we are all currently immersed in). And this resource gives me hope that I am not alone in this search, and it is possible to co-create a NEW, FEMININE ECONOMY that uplifts everyone instead of exploiting labour and extracting resources.

Let's spark each other - hit reply and share with me what sparked you this past month, and I'll feature/ share them in our next monthly digest for all readers of Slow, Savour, Serve.

My Play List

Ways I have been experimenting and engaging in play over the past month - you're welcome to share your own!

Do you remember a time when perhaps you used to burn songs onto a CD? Or add songs you love in your iPod? (gosh, I feel so old now.)

Well, obviously once smartphones and Music apps started taking over, there was no longer the need to go through the hassle of finding all my favourite songs and putting them together in a playlist. And to be honest, I had also forgotten how much music and listening to particular songs helped me tap into my joy and feeling my feelings as a teenager.

Though I have saved and listened to playlists curated by others over the past decade, I never made any intentional effort to curate my own playlist before.

This past month though, as I felt a wave of feeling not good enough and unworthy from my (healing) inner child, I decided to create my very own playlist of songs that could help me remember my worth and my wholeness.

Both the process of it and the final playlist has been such a healing balm for my inner child that I want to share it with all of you as a gift from my inner child to yours.

I'd love to hear from you - Which were your favourite songs? Better yet, share with me your favourite songs that remind you of your wholeness and worthiness, and I'll add it to my list too!

In solidarity with

A list of who or what I am consciously aligning with, rooting for and supporting

(Note: These are not affiliate links, and I do not profit from you clicking and exploring these links in any way.)

Ancestral Medicine

by Dr. Daniel Foor and team

Ancestral Medicine is an organization that encourages the embodiment of animist values and practices in ways that are culturally healing, non-dogmatic, and accessible to people of diverse means, ancestries, and geographies.

I deeply admire the values espoused and embodied by this small educational organisation that are grounded in justice and anti-supremacy. I am personally engaged in both the Practical Animism and Ancestral Lineage Healing courses, and continue to deepen my understanding and embodiment of ways to end all forms of supremacy in this world and work towards to collective liberation of all.

Upcoming Events this month

Tending your Roots: Somatic Healing Circle

Sep 15, 2024, 11.30am [GMT+4:00]

If you have not had the chance to join in for a time of reconnection and reflection, now's your chance!

If you've been to a previous circle, feel free to join us again as we will be exploring new topics in each session.

You are receiving this email because at some point you signed up for my weekly newsletter - Slow, Savour, Serve. If you're no longer savouring these emails, you can unsubscribe at any time.

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170 Victoria cluster, Damac Hills 2, Madinat Hind 4, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

© 2024 Eliarani Kanak Rajah. All rights reserved.

The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life

Join me in 'The Sensitive's Guide to Savouring Life', a sanctuary for those seeking to embrace their sensitivity and journey towards wholeness. Expect research-based insights and empowering personal stories on embodied healing, Self-leadership, and practical advice on slowing down, living with intention and savouring life. Curious about nurturing your inner landscape? This is for you.